Winter Field Day 2020

Another wonderful Field Day has come and gone!!  Our club had a wonderful turnout this year with 18 members that signed in.  While we did not operate the entire 24 hours, we did operate through the evening and some on Sunday morning.  For those of us that are Techs or don’t have much HF experience, this is a great learning opportunity. Field Days also offer a great time for fellowship and refreshments! 

(L to R) K9TZJ, K9DYR, K9DR, & KC9DJU enjoying fellowship while solving the world’s problems!
KD9LJA operating the IC-7300 on 40m & 80m, and W9FND operating the Kenwood on 80m, while K9DYR and W9TDV observe. Photo Credit to KA9SYP.

As a club, we operated 2 radios, indoor giving us the 2I classification.  We had the Icom 7300 on 40m & 80m and the Kenwood on 20m. 

Below are some stats from the entire 24 hours. 

148 Contacts made

29 Contacts on 80m

33 Contacts on 40m

12 Contacts on 20m

W9FD operating the Club’s Kenwood TS-850 on 20m.

We spoke to 34 states, including Hawaii and Alaska, and 2 Canadian Provinces.  We covered all 10 geographic regions of the US plus the Pacific and Canadian regions.

The states or sections we made contact with are: