By Laws of the Madison County Amateur Radio Club


Section 1: Application for Membership. Application for membership shall be submitted at a regular meeting. Each application must express a willingness of the applicant to abide by the Constitution and by-laws and such rules adopted by the Club. Two-thirds of the members present at the meeting shall approve the application before the applicant shall be considered elected to membership.


Section 1: Certificate. As provided by law, each member of the Club shall be entitled to a membership certificate signed by the President, and issued by the Secretary/Treasurer, stating that he/she is a member of the Corporation and other information required by law. New membership certificates shall be issued each year. The nature of the certificate shall be decided by consensus of the membership.


Section 1: Assessment. In order to obtain and continue Club in the membership, each member shall pay dues each year according to the schedule below. Dues will be collected on an annual basis with yearly assessments being twenty (20) dollars.

Section 2: Assessment Period. Dues must be paid on an annual basis for the period from January 1 to December 31.

Section 3: New Member Partial Year Assessment. New members joining after March 31, will be assessed two (2) dollars per month for the remainder of the year with full membership starting immediately. First year dues shall be waived for new Technician Class licensees that join the club within 1 year of obtaining their license.

Section 4: New Member Definition. A new member is any person not a member for two (2) years in succession.

Section 5: Dependent Membership. The dependent of a Club member that is current
in dues and good standing may become a Club member by paying a two dollar ($2.00)
membership fee. The assessment shall remain constant throughout the year.


Section 1: Regular Monthly Meetings. Meetings shall be held as directed by the Board of Directors each calendar month. The regular monthly meeting shall be held the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM Eastern Time at the Madison County Emergency Operations Center, 200 N. Delaware St., Anderson, IN, or a location designated by the President.

Section 2: Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President upon written request of any five (5) members of the Club. Notices shall be sent to all members informing them of the special meetings and the business to be transacted. Such notices shall be sent by way of email a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled time of the meeting. Only such business as is designated in the said notice shall be transacted at the special meeting.


Section 1: Election of Officers. The annual meeting of the Corporation for the election of officers shall be the first Monday in December in conjunction with the regular monthly meeting. Officers shall be elected by the members present and by members submitting absentee ballots. Voting shall be by secret ballot. Only members current in dues and good standing in the Corporation shall be eligible to hold an office. Only members current in dues and good standing in the Corporation shall be eligible to vote in the election of officers.

Section 2: Nomination of Officers. The annual meetings of the Corporation for the nominations of officers shall be the regular meetings in October and November. Nominations shall be made only by members current in dues and good standing in the Corporation. Nominations shall be taken from the floor, by mail, and by email.

Section 3: Removal of an Officer. An officer that is not current in dues and good standing or is delinquent in dues is subject to removal from that office as per the provisions in ARTICLE III, Section 5 of the Club Constitution.


Section 1: Starting and Ending Dates. The fiscal year shall be the period from January 1 to December 31 of each year.


Section 1: Purpose and Criteria. Madison County Amateur Radio Club, Inc. may implement and administer an awards program, the intent of which is to promote participation in Club-sponsored events and activities. The criteria for the program shall be defined by consensus of the membership.