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W9VCF Net Format Recommended Format for the W9VCF Net Preamble This is (your call) _________, tonight’s MADISON COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB NET CONTROL. This net meets weekly at 8 PM on the W9VCF, 145.39 MHz repeater to improve our operating skills, to exchange information, and to promote friendship among area amateurs. Visitors are always welcome and encouraged to check into this net. Please allow the repeater to drop out between calls to allow late or emergency check-ins. My name is _________. If there is any emergency or priority traffic, please call now. (If you hear none, continue with the following). Hearing no emergency or priority traffic, I will take mobile or short-time check-ins. (These take preference over regular check-ins). I will now take any and all check-ins one at a time. Please call ( your call)_________at this time. Closing Is there any further traffic for the net? (if not, continue on). Hearing no further traffic, we will close the net and return the W9VCF repeater to regular amateur use. Thank you and good night. This is (your call)___________ clear.